Alternative versions

Reassuring acoustic guitar, a promising descending bass and piano line, and a cheerful shaker beat create a supportive and encouraging vibe. Version - No Vocals
Reassuring acoustic guitar, a promising descending bass line, and a cheerful shaker beat create a supportive and encouraging vibe. Version - No Vocals Pianos
Reassuring acoustic guitar, a promising descending bass, and a piano line create a supportive and encouraging vibe. Version - No Drums Percussion
Reassuring acoustic guitar, a promising descending bass and piano line, and a cheerful shaker beat create a supportive and encouraging vibe. Version - 60 Second
Reassuring acoustic guitar, a promising descending bass and piano line, and a cheerful shaker beat create a supportive and encouraging vibe. Version - 60 Second No Vocals
Reassuring acoustic guitar, a promising descending bass and piano line, and a cheerful shaker beat create a supportive and encouraging vibe. Version - 30 Second
Reassuring acoustic guitar, a promising descending bass and piano line, and a cheerful shaker beat create a supportive and encouraging vibe. Version - 30 Second No Vocals
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