The Meadow

Album: Outdoor Freedom

The Meadow
Title The Meadow
Filename CAR548_54_The Meadow_Underscore
Description Underscore mix. Innocent reflections. Gently undulating solo acoustic guitar motif with a folksy feel.
ComposerStuart Roslyn (PRS) 50% [265219857]Richie Aikman (PRS) 50% [1023550113]
PublisherCPM Music Limited (PRS) 100% [701762663]
Tempo Slow
BPM 89
PRS Tunecode 448197HW

Alternate versions

An affectionate moment. Innocent reflections with a gently undulating guitar motif. A simple, folksy melody captures a sense of faithful care.
60 second version. Innocent reflections. Gently undulating acoustic guitar motif delivered with a folksy feel.
30 second version. Innocent reflections. Gently undulating acoustic guitar motif delivered with a folksy feel.
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