Deck the Halls
Title Deck the Halls
Filename SFL1242_025_Deck the Halls_Full
Description This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums, bass and tenor sax, with male vocals crooning out the memorable lyrics and spreading Christmas joy. Version - Full
ComposerBraddy Ellis (ASCAP) 100% [348259633]Traditional (PD)
Publisher615 Trax (ASCAP) 100% [340213712]
ISRC QM2ZU2006966
Tempo Fast

Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa la la la la la la la la
'Tis the season to be jolly
Fa la la la la la la la la
Don we now our gay apparel
Fa la la fa la la la la la
Troll the ancient yuletide carol
Fa la la la la la la la la

Alternate versions

This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums and bass, with a tenor sax sounding out the memorable melody and spreading Christmas joy. Version - Instrumental
This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums and bass, the memorable progression spreading Christmas joy throughout. Version - No Melody
This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums, bass and tenor sax, with male vocals crooning out the memorable lyrics and spreading Christmas joy. Version - 60 Second
This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums and bass, with a tenor sax sounding out the memorable melody and spreading Christmas joy. Version - 60 Second Instrumental
This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums and bass, the memorable progression spreading Christmas joy throughout. Version - 60 Second No Melody
This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums, bass and tenor sax, with male vocals crooning out the memorable lyrics and spreading Christmas joy. Version - 30 Second
This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums and bass, with a tenor sax sounding out the memorable melody and spreading Christmas joy. Version - 30 Second Instrumental
This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums and bass, the memorable progression spreading Christmas joy throughout. Version - 30 Second No Melody
This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums, bass and tenor sax, with male vocals crooning out the memorable lyrics and spreading Christmas joy. Version - 15 Second
This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums and bass, with a tenor sax sounding out the memorable melody and spreading Christmas joy. Version - 15 Second Instrumental
This arrangement of a classic Christmas tune features jazzy piano, drums and bass, the memorable progression spreading Christmas joy throughout. Version - 15 Second No Melody
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